This section includes the housing quality standards for housing assisted in the programs and provides additional guidance from the Housing Choice Voucher Guidebook Chapter CDC will also refer to HUD’s Housing Inspection Manual when additional guidance is needed. EXHIBIT Special HQS requirements for manufactured homes, shared housing and. This manual describes the PHA's procedures for performing HQS and other types of inspections, and standards for the timeliness of repairs. It also describes the consequences of failed Housing Quality Standards and processing an increase in contract rent. LMHA’s inspections are scheduled by the Administrative Assistant – Inspection Schedulers. This inspection form (HUDA) and checklist (HUD) can be used to ensure that a property meets HUD's Housing Quality Standards (HQS). HOME PJs may use HQS as their property standard for TBRA activities; however, your jurisdiction may have a higher, locally-based property standard.
HQS includes requirements for all housing types, including single and multi-family dwelling units, as well as specific requirements for special housing types such as manufactured homes, congregate housing, single room occupancy, shared housing, and group residences. Related Documents and Information. HVC Inspection Form; HCV Inspection Checklist. Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 19 ref Handbook form HUDA (9/00) B. Summary Decision on the Unit (to be completed after the form has been filled in). Created Date: Z.
(HQS) Inspection Checklist A HQS inspector will contact the owner by phone to meet HUD's minimum Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Pre-inspection Checklist. All rental housing units receiving homeless housing funding from Pierce County Community. RI Housing is required by HUD regulations to inspect each unit to The checklist below is a tool for property owners to prepare their unit for an HQS.